Pay dues.
Membership fees are due July 1 of every year
(Please note that while we accept payment throughout the year, membership dues are payable annually on July 1 – i.e. for period July 1 to June 30).
Payment methods.
To pay your dues using PayPal, please select a membership category below under Membership Types. (If you are unsure about which category, visit our Become A Member page for further explanation).
Click on the Buy Now button for a single payment or Subscribe button for automatic renewal (yearly) and you will be re-directed to the ACWC PayPal payment page.
E-transfer payments can be sent to, using ACWC as the name.
If mailing a cheque, please contact the Treasurer, Hanna Kim, ( to find out mailing details.
Membership types.
Active membership.
A composer who is a Canadian citizen or a landed immigrant. She will be entitled to a vote.
Student membership.
A student composer who is a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant who is currently involved in the completion of compositional training (non-voting member).
Affiliate membership.
A composer of any nationality, whether or not she resides in Canada (non-voting member).
Associate membership.
An individual who is not a composer or an organization who is interested in supporting the aims of the ACWC (non-voting member).

Learn more about our different membership types below.
Pay what you can.
Due to Covid, ACWC again provides opportunity for members unable to pay full dues to:
(a) pay what you can, OR
(b) pay no dues due to Covid financial constraints.
*To qualify for reduced or waived fees for 2022-2023, members must request these accommodations from the Treasurer, no later than July 1, and provide written confirmation that they will resume payments as soon as they are able.