Spark to Stone presented by CTSC & ACWC
Spark to Stone Concert, presented by Caution Tape Sound Collective and the ACWC takes place on Saturday, March 24 2018, 8:00 pm • Array Space, 155 Walnut Ave, Toronto, ON.
ACWC Concert: Climate Change & Endangered
The Climate Change & Endangered Species Concert featured the music of 12 ACWC composers. Friday, October 27, 2017, Heliconian Club, Toronto, ON.
ACWC Piano Collective Concert
The premiere ACWC Piano Collective Concert, featuring music by ACWC Piano Collective members occurred Sunday May 28, 2017 at 3:00 PM at Conrad Grebel Chapel, University of Waterloo, Ontario.
ACWC presents: A Spirit Indomitable
The ACWC presented a concert of the music of Canadian women, April 7th, 2017, First Church of Christ Scientist, Victoria, BC, celebrating the anniversary of the passing of the bill granting B.C. women the right to vote.
ACWC Members Lead Audio Postcards Canada Project
The Audio Postcards Canada project, curated by the Canadian Association for Sound Ecology, launched on World Listening Day, July 18, 2016, features 16 two-minute soundscapes from across Canada.
Bekah Ann Simms Appointed ACWC Secretary
We're very excited to share that Bekah Ann Simms will be joining the ACWC Board as our new Secretary!
2016 Roberta Stephen Award Winners
Canadian composers Emily Doolittle (Scotland) and Rita Ueda (Vancouver) are the first recipients of the Roberta Stephen Composition award.
International Catalogue of Women's Compositions
Call to All Members for Information for the International Catalogue of Women’s Compositions