Indigenous Song Panel – Healing, Reconciliation, Partnership.
Indigenous Song – Healing, Reconciliation, Partnership Panel • Tuesday, Nov. 2 at 8:00 pm EST by Zoom, with:
Jean Becker
Inuk, founder of Goodhearted Women singing/drumming group, Senior Director, Indigenous Initiatives at University of Waterloo with tribute: Woman of the Drum: A Tribute to Jean Becker and Mino Ode Kwewak N’gamowak – The New Quarterly Digital Edition
Kelly Laurila
Sámi, song-keeper & member of Goodhearted Women, PhD, Lecturer, Renison/UWaterloo, School of Social Work
Beverley McKiver
Anishinaabe, ACWC composer, composer, pianist, educator, website here.
Karen Sunabacka
Métis, ACWC composer, Associate Professor, Conrad Grebel/UWaterloo, website here.
To register, click below:
Photo: Good Hearted Women Singers at Sound in the Land 2014, by Alan Morgan