Association of Canadian Women Composers

The ACWC actively supports music written by Canadian women and women-identified persons.  

The ACWC wishes to build on the achievements of the past, encourage women and women-identified composers of the present and develop a body of well researched, catalogued and preserved archival material accessible to students, researchers and performers in the future.

The organization would like to increase and broaden its membership base to reflect the varied cultures, which have made their home here, and to raise its profile in the Canadian and International Music scene.

News & Events


The ACWC promotes its members online, publishes a bi-annual Journal highlighting activities and articles of interest, and provide funding opportunities to support initiatives, concerts, and projects.

Latest Issue

Spring Summer 2024 Journal

Editor: Fiona Evison. Articles by: Julia Mermelstein, Carol Ann Weaver, Fiona Evison, Olivia Adams, and Coreen Morsink.

ACWC Monthly Playlists

March Playlist

Make a donation.

Donations help support ACWC-run Initiatives, funds and awards that we provide to our membership and the wider community.